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Sea Shore

Science One Pagers

I love sharing my own research and the amazing research happening in my lab. I also enjoy engaging my creative and artistic side of the brain. Combine the two and you one pagers! Take a peak at a few I've made of cool research happening around me.  


Alaska coastal ecosystem responses to climate change

Over 3 years (2018-2021), researchers conducted an intensive study of the coastal ecosystem of Sitka, AK. Climate change was simulated in tide pools by warming pools and adding CO2 (ocean acidification) for 6 months. 

Click on the image to get the PDF one pager on the findings.


Predators on the move:
the dark unicorn snail shifts north

The Dark unicorn snail is moving north up the coast of North America as the climate changes. What kind of effects will the dark unicorn snail have on their new homes and neighbors?

Click on the image to get the PDF one pager to find out.


Too hot to handle: can a critical foundation species cope with climate change?

Mussel cover on California's coasts is declining. Why? What kind of coping mechanisms do mussels have to deal with increasing temperatures and heatwaves? What life stage of a mussel is most vulnerable?  

Click on the image to get the PDF one pager on the findings.

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